Mark's Unofficial RKL Page - Reviews

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Here you can read reviews of RKL's albums by various people. If you'd like to submit a review just send it on in to me at

Keep Laughing

Review by: Joey Fonda in The Valley Mag issue #1, 1985

12" released on Mystic Records. The Rich Kids on LSD do it once again, release one of the best albums of the year. Hot tracks include "Think Positive," "Pothead," and "Unborn Child." This album rips!

4 stars (out of 4)

Review by: M-8

I don't know if this was re-released on Destiny Records, but all their other old stuff was and Mystic isn't paying them royalties for this, so why not? This record was originally released in 1985 and has 10 great nardcore songs. Buy it if you can find it.

7 stars (out of 10)

Rock N Roll Nightmare

Review by: Intensity (1993)

One of my favourite punk albums of the 80s is finally reissued again, and now it can be bought on CD. When this was released on Alchemy in 1987 I played this album to death. Back when I felt that the band were cool, never mind what the lyrics meant. And although the original comic book is gone (it has been altered to fit into a regular CD booklet) the music is still here, especially such powerful songs as "One Light, One Mind", "Sargasm", "Catch Your Breath", and "Scab On My Brain". Way back then I played this stuff on the radio; hopefully programmers will be open enought to play this and reintroduce listeners to a great band. And a great LP.

Review by: TrouserPress

Hardcore meets hippie on Rock'n'Roll Nightmare as this San Francisco band--Rich Kids on LSD--sings about nuclear meltdowns, pollution, militarism, greedy promoters, prejudice, hypocrites and critics and how to cope with it all(namely, sarcasm). If you dig the trip, the band is awesome and so are the accoutrements, namely a 24-page comic/lyric book that's way cool, dudes, er, man.

Review by: M-8

Before, when I said RKL sucks, I meant to say NEW RKL sucks. You see RKL used to be a half-decent nardcore (even though they're from San Francisco) band. Their music (at least on this album - which is out of print (?)) is very reminiscent of Aggression (another nardcore band) except heavier or more metallish (including solos) and the singer's voice sounds like the guy from Iron Maiden somewhat. This album contains 15 songs and I don't have the lyrics for any of them (they didn't come with the tape), however the music is kinda catchy. If you're into nardcore or (to a lesser extent) into oldschool So-Cal punk, chances are you'll like this album.

7 stars (out of 10)

Greatest Hits Double Live in Berlin

Review by: Mark Jerome

This is a very good album. 22 songs or so from Keep Laughing, Rock N Roll Nightmare, and It's a Beautiful Feeling; plus a Kiss cover of Detroit Rock City. It comes with a 15 page Black and white lyric book with tons of pictures. It sounds pretty good and a lot of the songs are sped up. If you are an RKL fan you definately want to get this album.

Review by: M-8

This is probably the last "good" R.K.L. release. Recorded live in Germany in 1988 they do pretty much all their good (old) songs on this double LP - 22 songs in all. Buy this if you're into nardcore and you can find this in stores.

8 stars (out of 10)

Revenge Is A Beautiful Feeling

Review by: M-8

This is one of the "good" RKL albums (before they went shitty metal - see my Reactivate review). This LP contains 21 songs and they're very reminiscent of old So-Cal punk bands except for the heavy-metal-like solos which show the direction this band is heading in. Shortly after this album (I think) some members of the band left to form Ten Foot Pole. So buy this album (1989 release) and everything released BEFORE this because it's good, however don't buy anything after this - it sucks. Oh yeah, they're a nardcore band (mix of So Cal punk and DC hardcore).

7 stars (out of 10)


Review by: M-8

RKL sucks! Their song on Punk-O-Rama was decent, so I decided to buy this album. Imagine my disappointment when I realized that these guys are nothing but a lame metal outfit. Don't waste your money on this! I heard that their early stuff is pretty good, but I'm going to be very cautious about buying anything from these guys.

0 stars (out of 10)

Review by: Jon Worley in Aiding & Abetting issue #33, 4/30/93

Now that hardcore has gone from dead to trendy, it only makes sense that the Rich Kids on LSD would reform, if for no other reason than to score some cash from a fertile scene. Of course, what would happen if they actually recorded a good album? Well, no one stopped to consider this possibility and so, as logic dictates, it did. I'm guessing the "massive crossover potential" listed on the press means I'll soon be hearing this on the new "young country" station in town. Actually, the heavily blues-infused punk going on here is a rather distinct sound. Well, there's about any sound you can make with a fuzzier-than-thou guitar, from funk to hardcore grind. Yes, that's funk with an "f". Real blazing lead work, which leads me to call this neer mettle. It smells like metal, tastes like metal, but has a heart o' punk. It works for me. Hard.

Riches to Rags

Review by: CMJ New Music Express

If you aren't already familiar with this rude-'n'-rowdy bunch, the opening punk-roar of "We're Back We're Pissed" explains in a nutshell who RKL is, where the band's been and why these crazy Californian hardcore Rich Kids On LSD are back and in your face with a vengeance. After a four-year "vacation," RKL explodes back onto the hardcore-punk scene with Riches To Rags, an intensely rockin', attitude-laden LP singed by a spewing volcano of bittersweet emotion and pissed-off aggression. RKL bangs out a loud, raw mix of music characterized by the rough vocal growl of Jason "Jaystink" Sears and the massive twin-guitar attack of Barry D'Live and Chris Rest. Sounding nothing like the huge, current wave of shiny, happy pop-punk, RKL will rip off your head and shit down your neck with tunes like "Beautiful Feeling Pt. 3," "In Your Mind," "Give It Up," "Betrayed" and "Heavily Sedated."

Review by: Jon Worley in Aiding & Abetting issue #68, 1/15/95

I remember the "comeback" album. I was shocked by how bad it was. I mean, I didn't even have high expectations. On this, the "sophomore" of the aforementioned comeback, I think they guys have been listening to a lot of NOFX. Which means, of course, this record is alright. Not great, but then, I was expecting worse. And Riches to Rags certainly surprised me. It doesn't suck. On the other hand, the music is pretty derivative and the lyrics are positively dumb (but as that is one of their trademarks, it wouldn't do to go changing that). But overall, this is somewhat enjoyable. Yeah, I can think of a ton of punk records I'd rather listen to, but I can also think of some that are much worse. As it seems the band aspires to mediocrity, I am happy to say it has arrived.

Review by: Kevin Wade of

Rarely do you find a punk rock band that's amazingly talented outside the punk genre (you can debate me all you want on that...) but RKL (a.k.a. Rich Kids on LSD) is a different story. Riches to Rags shows off band that is not only one of the best punk/hardcore bands I've heard in a long time, they are actually talented. Their bass player plays some really flashy riffs and has a really fresh solo in song 3, "In Your Mind." Their guitar player consistently plays pretty rippin' solos of the metal variety usually and it sounds great. This band is not all about a power chord rhythm and and the occasional guitar lick. The parts are well scored and sound awesome. One point of interest: the drummer for RKL on this CD is now Lagwagon's drummer. RKL generally keeps the songs pretty serious to fit the hardcore specs, but they mix it up a little in song 6, "Rancho Burger," and bust into some bluegrass/country western that is amusing given what you hear on the first five tracks. In any case, RKL is an incredibly talented band no matter how stoned they usually are and this is another one of those CDs that is a must-have in my book.

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