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Rich Kids on LSD
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Welcome to Mark's Unofficial RKL Page, devoted
to the So-Cal hardcore punk band Rich Kids on LSD(RKL). Listen to music,
look at photos, get their lyrics, and learn more than you ever wanted
to know about this "almost legendary" band.
09/05/18 |
Obviously this isn't being updated anymore since it's been 16 years since I last updated anything. Since I last updated some of the band has passed away. I've added extensively to the RKL wikipedia page, so check that out. Most of these link are dead and won't be fixed, but I'll leave this page up. I made it in high school so it's nostalgic for me. My email still works if you want to hit me up.Bye for now - Mark
04/11/02 |
- RKL tribute For Those About To Trip CD is now for sale at Malt Soda Recordings. So click on over there and get it.
- FYI, there is a new RKL album being written.
01/30/02 |
-The RKL Director's Cut DVD will be available February 4 at Malt Soda Recordings. It is being pressed right now and Malt Soda is now accepting orders. So what're you waiting for? Go order a copy!
12/19/01 |
-The RKL tribute album will be released on Malt Soda Recordings in February or March of 2002. Check out the final cover art HERE.
11/22/01 |
-Jason Sears' solo album will be released November 27th on Dolphin Records. Check out the cover HERE
-The RKL tribute album will be released on Malt Soda Recordings. Check out the insert picture HERE.
-Here's another poster for an up coming RKL show: HERE.
-Be sure to check the Official RKL Website for up coming show dates.
08/12/01 |
Moved to website to Tripod. Seems to be more reliable.
RKL played a show on August 10th, check out the poster HERE.

Featuring Ex-Members of RKL

Click here for the Director's Cut of the RKL video!
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Rich Kids On LSD